Where Are They Now?: Delaney Rivera
When I think of Blue Hawk Records, I think of Delaney Rivera. I think of her singing her original song “20” on the porch of President Leahy’s house at the twenty album release show during her junior year. I think of her astounding us all with the solos that she held so gracefully in choir. I think of “Hole in My Heart” and how it absolutely, completely altered my brain chemistry.
For two years, I clutched onto Delaney in Chamber Choir for emotional and melodic support. As music theory was never a strong suit of mine, I found comfort in the music we sang once I could hear her angelic voice making out the notes. Chamber Choir is not a sorority, I know, but if it had been, then Delaney Rivera was my Big.
And then the girl had to go and graduate. Talk about a hole in my heart. Maybe if Delaney wasn’t the person she was — talented, humble, and just a hardworking star — I’d be bitter that she couldn’t ask one of the faculty to hold her back one more year. Yet, here I am, overjoyed to dive deep into the world of Delaney today — and finding myself more excited than ever for her.
“Being a part of Blue Hawk was such a cool and unique experience,” she said. “I had the really great opportunity of holding the General Manager position for two semesters in the Record Label Strategies and Advanced Record Label Strategies [courses]".
“In addition to that and just being a part of the club, I auditioned and was chosen to be on the 15th and 20th compilation albums during my freshman and junior year.”
Delaney had made her Blue Hawk debut with her song “Learning to Fly”, and later stunned us all with “20”.
She later faced the monster that scares us all — graduation. “Honestly, I was insanely scared to graduate. I was excited to be out and about on my own without any schoolwork to tie me down, but I was so scared of that huge change in my life.” Delaney also was transparent about the pressure that she faced. “I held myself to such a high standard of wanting to immediately have a full time job right out of college, but that is so much pressure to put on yourself.”
It’s clear that the pressure didn’t get to this star too easily, now that she’s become busier than ever in the past few months.
“I currently work a part-time job as an Office Manager at a massage therapy office in my hometown, while I also gig around as an artist and create music that I love. I also serve on the Worship Team at my church on Long Island and am taking steps to become a Worship Leader as a paid position. It has become a passion of mine that I truly did not expect to be such an important part of my life,” Delaney said.
“I kind of have my hand in a bunch of different things right now, but they are all so fulfilling.” She’s also currently in the process of working on her brand as an artist, and has been seeking out opportunities to grow as a musician.
It seems like Delaney is doing better than ever, and did not hesitate to share her wisdom. “Here is my advice if you are a senior: Take your time. Enjoy this last year of friends, memories, laughter, and all things college. You are going to blink and be walking across that stage in a cap and gown, so treasure every second.”
“This is your time to discover who you really are and what you love to do. You are only in this very moment once in your life! Stay present, don’t sweat the small stuff, and know there is a much bigger plan in place. Everything will work itself out the way it is supposed to.”
What a breath of fresh air that is to hear.
And as she moves forward and continues to dominate what seems like every aspect of her life, Delaney is simultaneously grateful for her Blue Hawk roots. “It was so fun to be able to collaborate with other musicians, artists, and fellow students on something we are all so passionate about,” she said. “I am insanely grateful for my time that I got to spend with Blue Hawk, and for all the people that I met through it.”
We are just as grateful for Delaney, and are always wishing her the best as she continues her journey beyond Blue Hawk Records. For now, we’ll be streaming all her songs at Woods and patiently wait for the next single to drop.
Learn more about Delaney and what she is up to below.